
Need to mount a shared ext3 data partition (SOLVED)

1.) You have a partition on a drive. It must have a mount point to be used. 2.) You create one or more mount points, (folders), in your system for that ...

Does ext3 filesystem allow to extend partition when mounted?

Reasonably recent Linux kernels (added sometime in the 2.6 series) can extend ext3/4 filesystems online (ie. while mounted).

access EXT3 partition on windows : rlinuxquestions

I am looking to access the EXT3 partition of my Linux install on my other hard drive through Windows, allowing me to transfer files between my OS's like Python ...

Mount Linux Partitions (Ext4Ext3) in Windows Explorer Easily

Here's how you can easily mount and access Linux (Ext4/Ext3/Ext2) File system partitions in Windows Explorer and read/write files there.

how to mount a external hard drive in ext3 format?

So the external hard drive is already formatted as ext3? I believe the command would be something like mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /media/ ...

[SOLVED]Can't mount ext3 partition

[SOLVED]Can't mount ext3 partition. I just did pacman -Syu (after new core install), then pacman -S filesystem --force to rid the /etc/mtab ...

Mount existing linux EXT3 partition

1. Obtain the ext2fs. · 2. Untar file gzcat ext2fs*. · 3. Become root and install the files by running ./getext2fs as root from the source directory ...

How to mount ext3 filesystem

First, make sure the kernel, kernel modules, and mkinitrd package are installed (the current version numbers might be a little different, so ...

mount linux ext3 partition

On my freeBSD 7.2 I try to mount linux ext3 partition installed on the same hard disk, but the mount point is inaccessible.

Mounting an ext3 filesystem with user privileges

I'm trying to mount an ext3 file system from another Linux installation so that the user, not root, will have full access to all the files.


1.)Youhaveapartitiononadrive.Itmusthaveamountpointtobeused.2.)Youcreateoneormoremountpoints,(folders),inyoursystemforthat ...,ReasonablyrecentLinuxkernels(addedsometimeinthe2.6series)canextendext3/4filesystemsonline(ie.whilemounted).,IamlookingtoaccesstheEXT3partitionofmyLinuxinstallonmyotherharddrivethroughWindows,allowingmetotransferfilesbetweenmyOS'slikePython ...,Here'showyoucaneasilymount...